Monday, May 5, 2008

standing invitations

Every week there are a few things that you can be sure I'm going to do. Any and all of my friends are welcome to join me for any or all of these events. There is a permanent standing invitation for the following:

1. Naked Thursday - clothing optional day where I watch my favorite TV shows on NBC - My Name is Earl, The Office, and 30 Rock. Starts at 7pm.

2. Sunday Bike Ride - Depending on weather conditions - the ride will usually go around White Rock Lake and start time and location are flexible.

3. Sunday Night Cartoons - The Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad.

The following standing/open invitations will happen on an as accompanied basis [in other words: I always want to do this, but not alone, so if someone else wants to go with me, let me know and we'll make it happen]

1. Dinner - I like going out to a nice restaurant at least once in a while

2. Movies - There are a lot of cool movies coming out this summer and I haven't been seeing many lately because no one ever offers to go with me to them.

3. Naked Yoga - I like doing yoga a lot, and naked is the best way to do it, but I don't like going alone.

4. Galveston/Austin Road Trip - Everyone rags on Galveston, saying it "sucks." Well, yea, it's no Carribean Island, but you can drive there in less than 5 hours... and over the years I've had lots of fun trips there - I've got a lot of nostalgia connected with Galveston.

That's all I can think of for now, but if I remember more stuff I want people to join me for, I'll update. Basically this is a request for people to OFFER to hang out with me, instead of me having to beg and plead all the time. It constantly feels like nobody ever wants to do anything ever...

Also, as the TV season will be ending here in a few weeks, there won't be any new episodes of the shows I mentioned as standing invitations on Thursdays and Sundays, but there's still a standing invitation to come over either of those nights and hang out. We can play games, or watch movies, or just go swimming in the pool here at my apartment complex... Give me a call and let me know you're coming!

1 comment:

MaxHedrm said...

Heh ... I'm up for the Sunday bike rides ... but you'll probably still have to pester & beg me. ;^)