Thursday, June 26, 2008

some perspective

ok - after a day or two and some contemplation, introspection and perspective I've decided that it was snotty of me to be angry at the guys who I talked about in my last post. They weren't into me - simple as that - I can't fault them for it because there have been quite a few guys who have shown interest in me and I was not interested back.

What I DO fault them for, however, is letting me be lead on and their way of ending it. Showing interest at first and then after a few weeks just ceasing to communicate is really rude. At least when I'm not into a guy who I know likes me, I let him know it. I don't let him think that there's potential when I know there's not. It's always hard when feelings are involved, but if any of these guys had just said "I know we've been 'hanging out' a lot lately, but I'd just like to be friends" I would have been totally cool with it.

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